

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rachel Jensen

I am thrilled to teach Art & Design here at A2 STEAM, and contribute my skills and love of art to this vibrant and creative community. I have been an artist all of my life. I received my BFA from the University of Michigan School of Art and Design in Ceramics and Graphic Design. After a few years working as a Web Designer, I received my Post Baccalaureate Art Education Certificate and my Masters of Visual Arts Education at Eastern Michigan University. For the past nine years I have taught elementary and middle school Art and Technology courses in Romulus, as well as Art Methods and Art Integration courses for future educators at Eastern Michigan University. On top of this, I have fifteen years experience working with clay and graphic design in a variety of settings. These skills help me facilitate authentic student-centered learning.

Outside of school, I spend time with my husband, our son Soren, and our cat Booboo. Soren is only 9 months but just learned to whistle. He is a very happy boy and I can’t wait to make art with him. I also create clay artwork, and take on a few graphic design projects. I enjoy taking classes in photography, metals, painting and other mediums, as well, to expand my artistic vocabulary. I am inspired by all things creative. I could not live without my iTunes. I love dance, theater, and film. I read for fun just about every day. I am a mediocre cook (but I try hard), and seem to have a black thumb when it comes to my garden. However, just like in art美高梅博彩. when at first you don't succeed, throw the burnt chicken in the garbage, and replant the petunias!