

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Steve Coron

I have had the distinct privilege of teaching at Community since 2003, and have served as a teacher in the Ann Arbor schools since 1989. As a practicing artist, I am currently working on a body of photographic pieces based on how humans interact with landscapes. Classes I have taught are: Art & Design, Drawing, Painting, Open Studio, Sculpture, Darkroom Photography, Digital Photography, Advanced Portfolio, Salvage Art, Mixed Media, and Yearbook.



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Beth Portincasa

I was born and raised in Ann Arbor. I graduated from EMU with a Bachelor of Art Education, and then received a Master's degree in Sculpture. My teaching career started in 2006 and I have taught Art & Design, Drawing, Painting, Open Studio, Mixed Media, Ceramics, and Sculpture.